10 Carry-On Essentials for Any Long Airplane Ride


Anyone who has flown on a long-haul flight knows how tiring these flights can be. Having the right things with you can make all the difference in your enjoyment of air travel. These 10 travel essentials will make your trip next relaxing, pleasant and worry-free.

1. Earplugs

Planes are noisy places. Bringing earplugs ensures you can tune out engine noise, the in-flight movie… or your neighbor snoring. If you want to sleep or get any work done on your flight, bringing earplugs is essential.

2. Book or Reading Device

Bringing something to read is a great way to prevent boredom while traveling. A good novel seems to take hours off of even the longest flights. If you are traveling for pleasure, may wish to bring a book about your destination. Those with short attention spans may wish to bring magazines instead of books. For those who prefer not to read as they travel, bringing a smartphone with movies or games is another great way to prevent boredom from setting in.

3. Scarf

A large scarf is the ultimate travel accessory. Feeling chilly? Wrap yourself up in it. Need an impromptu pillow? Scrunch it up and rest your head on it. Wanting privacy from your neighbor? Drape it over yourself or make a curtain around your space.

4. Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Nothing beats stepping off the plane and feeling fresh. Brushing your teeth and splashing some cold water on your face before you land is a surefire way to refresh. Recall that most airlines only allow for 100mL or smaller liquids, gels and aerosols. Look for miniature toothpaste and other toiletries when you pack for your trip.

5. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated in-flight is essential. Not drinking enough water can make you feel exhausted and cranky. The recycled air on airplanes can be very drying. It is better for the health of your skin and organs to drink enough water. You cannot always count on the flight attendants to bring you a cup of water every time you need one. Having your own water bottle is indispensable on any flight of more than a few hours.

6. Paper and Pen

Having a pen and paper is something that seems unimportant until you don’t have them when you need them. You may want to write down down the name of a restaurant in your destination city recommended by another passenger. You may wish to jot down ideas for a business plan, or a screenplay or play tic-tac-toe. No matter what comes to mind to you during your flight, a pen and notebook will help you capture it.

7. A Change of Clothes

Anyone who has ever flown in an airplane knows how chilly the cabin can get. It is a good idea to dress in layers when flying by airplane for this reason. If you get cold, putting on a sweater adds that extra layer of cozy warmth. Bringing an entire change of clothes means you have extra layers when you need them in flight. In the event that your cabin luggage is delayed, you will be thankful to have an extra set of clothes with you as well.

8. Chargers and Headphones for Your Devices

The most common items left behind by accident while traveling are electronics chargers. They are easily forgotten in wall sockets in hotels and other locations. Many people leave their chargers in their checked bags, so they are not able to charge their devices while in flight. But having your chargers with you means that you will be able to entertain yourself while flying. It also allows you to have a fully charged phone when you land. This makes it easier to access maps to help you find your hotel or end destination.

9. Snacks

Airplane food is notorious for being tasteless and unappetizing. Some airlines have stopped offering in-flight meals and snacks altogether. To make sure you have enough to eat during your flight, bring a few snacks with you in your carry-on bag. Keep in mind that international borders usually have prohibitions on importing some foods. To be safe, avoid bringing raw fruits, vegetables, seeds or dairy products. Snack bars, candy and nuts are usually safe options to snack on for flights between countries.

10. Socks or Slippers

Your feet may swell with the change in elevation while flying. This can make wearing shoes while in flight very uncomfortable. Yet, taking your shoes off and going barefoot may be offensive to your fellow passengers. No one wants to smell a stranger’s feet while cruising at 30,000 feet. A pair of cozy socks or travel slippers is the perfect solution to this problem. Their soft stretchy material is more comfortable than wearing shoes and keeps your feet covered.

Airplane travel can be uncomfortable at the best of times. But having the right things with you can make the difference between a terrible flight and an enjoyable one. Whether it’s an extra change of clothes or a couple of snacks for your flight, you never know which item will make your flight a comfortable one.


Need an outfit to go with that plane ticket? Check out our Vacation Vibes lookbook. Headed to the beach? Check out our super helpful Beach Vacation Packing List.

Featured photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

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