8 Healthy(ish) Cocktails


Looking to have a few adult beverages, but don’t want to feel the wrath of 500 calorie drinks loaded with sugar? Woof, cocktails can add up quickly. You can spend the morning in the gym, watch what you eat all day, then stroll into happy hour and BAM—welcome to Calorie City, population: you. Not all cocktails are created equal though. We’ve rounded up 8 tasty, refreshing and healthy(ish) cocktails below. Cheers!

1. Keep the (healthy) good times rolling with beets and carrots

2. Mojitos with a twist of healthy

3. Quick and easy with a kick

4. It’s about thyme

Coming into the weekend like (#ad) sweet, tart and a little sassy. Join us as we kick back, relax and sip one of these Lemon Berry Herb Coolers featuring @DoctorDslive Sparkling Probiotic and @titosvodka • Made with probiotic-rich water kefir it’s a healthier, lower sugar alternative to sweet summery mixed drinks. And the earthy thyme highlights the natural sweetness of the berries. In other words, it’s the wholly perfect way to end a hot summer day! __________ LEMON-BERRY HERB COOLER Serves 2 __________ ✨INGREDIENTS✨ * 12 ounces @doctordslive Lemon Sparkling Probiotic * 2 ounces @titosvodka Handmade Vodka * Juice of 1/2 lemon * 2 strawberries, hulled and sliced * 1/2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves * Lemon slices and thyme sprigs for garnish ✨DIRECTIONS✨ 1. Divide sliced berries and fresh lemon juice among two highball glasses. Add 1/4 tsp. thyme leaves to each glass and gently muddle with a muddling stick or handle of a wooden spoon. 2. Fill each glass with ice. Add 1 ounce of vodka to each glass then top off with sparkling probiotic. 3. Garnish with lemon slices and a sprig of fresh thyme. Sip and enjoy! . . . #realfood #healthycocktails #probiotics #fermentedfoods #waterkefir #titosvodka #glutenfree #weekendvibes #cocktailgoals #lemon #strawberries #thyme #eatinseason #cleaneating #eatclean #dietitianapproved #therealfoodrds

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5. Patio and waist-friendly

Fri-yay means some relaxation and cocktails on the deck with the hubby ☀? . It doesn’t have to mean tons of extra calories and sugar though if you get a little creative.? . This is one of my go to #summercocktails I love because it’s so versatile and you can change up the wine and sparkling water based on your mood. . ?Healthy Wine Spritzer? 4oz white wine of your choice 2oz @lacroixwater (I used mango) Lots of ice Lemon or lime wedges to taste . Mix all ingredients together and enjoy! The key is to use double the wine to sparkling water ratio to really make it good! Enjoooooy!? . This is just one of the many recipes I’ll be adding into my #custommealplans too…no deprivation for my clients!? . . #healthycocktails #winestagram #healthieralternative #fridaydrinks #summernights

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6. Honey > sugar

7. Jackpot

8. Stay on track and try something new


Trying to cure your sweet tooth? Check out these 10 Simple Ways to Cut the Amount of Sugar In Your Diet.

The post 8 Healthy(ish) Cocktails appeared first on FitMinutes.