Let’s Talk About the Green Juice Tips and Recipes You Should Know


Looking for a sneaky way to add more nutrients to your diet? We already covered healthy winter soups, so let’s talk about green juice! National Green Juice Day is January 26th after all, and we don’t want to skip out on the celery-bration. Did we lose you with that joke? Stick with us!

So the keyword for today is: incorporate. Green juice is a great addition to your diet, but we don’t want you to go overboard or miss the benefits, so here are a few quick tips on how to incorporate green juice into your life:

  • Don’t replace every meal with a juice. If you’re looking to lose weight, we know you want to see results fast but this all-juice-and-nothing-but-the-juice diet wouldn’t be sustainable. You won’t get enough fiber and protein by juicing, which means you won’t feel full, which means you could end up binge eating. Instead, try replacing just your breakfast with a green juice.
  • Do subtract other foods in your diet when adding a green juice to the mix. Instead of eating your usual side dish at dinner, opt for a green juice to go with that chicken breast and veggie. Juices still have calories and you don’t want them to pile up, so make sure you subtract a food before you add the juice.
  • Don’t skip out on eating whole fruits and vegetables just because you’re adding some to your juice. Remember: incorporate! A green juice is a great way to get your fruits and veggies in, but you still want to eat two whole fruits and three to four vegetables a day.
  • Do drink your juice ASAP! Once you make the juice, the nutrients are exposed to oxygen and then break down. You can store your juice in the fridge for a few hours but it’s best to drink up as soon as possible.
  • Don’t add too many fruits. Follow the 80:20 ratio: 80% greens, 20% fruit. The fruit will help sweeten the bitter greens but if you add too much fruit then you’ll overload your juice with sugar and calories.
  • Do add the pulp back into the juice to get that good ol’ fiber. When juicing machines extract the juice from the fruits and vegetables, the pulp is left behind and that has all the fiber. So just add the pulp back in or use it to cook something else (soup, anyone?).

Alright now that Juicing 101 has ended, it’s time for some homework. And by homework, we mean whipping up some of these delicious green juice recipes at home!

1. Anti-Inflammatory Green Juice


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2 green apples
2 cucumbers
4 stalks of celery
2 handfuls of spinach
1 lemon
1 knob of ginger

2. Little Bit O’ Pineapple


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2 leaves of kale
1/2 cucumber
5 stalks of celery
1/2 lemon
2 oz. pineapple

3. Add Some Orange


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1/2 cucumber
1 handful of spinach
1 orange
1 knob of ginger
2 large carrots
1/2 lime


Can’t stay out of the kitchen? Add these Keto cookbooks to your library and mix up your weeknight menu.

The post Let’s Talk About the Green Juice Tips and Recipes You Should Know appeared first on FitMinutes.