Exercises to Help You Improve Your Posture


Been sitting at a desk all your life? Spend a lot of travel time in one of those tiny airplane seats? Chances are your posture might not be the greatest. Keep reading for a few easy exercises that will help you improve your posture in no time.

Problem: Anterior Pelvic Tilt

This is one of the most common posture related issues. Doing these short but sweet exercises will help correct it over time.

Do You Have An Anterior Pelvic Tilt? – APT can be caused by sedentary lifestyle, bad postural habits, poor movement mechanics or genetic predispositions. – Many people have APT without any issues, however if you have excessive APT then you may suffer from pain in your lower back, hips or knees. – Here are 4 exercises – 2 corrective stretches and 2 strengthening drills to help correct this lower body imbalance. – The aim with both stretches is to try and focus on tucking the hips under (posteriorly tilt) by squeezing your glutes and extending the hip without compensating and over extending through the lower back – this also goes for the final exercise, the Bodyweight Hip Thrusts. – – – – – – – #instafit #hardwork #brynjenkinstraining #fitspiration #getfit #bodyweighttraining #noexcuses #calisthenics #APT #pain #posture #anteriorpelvictilt #leightonbuzzard #rehab #healthylife #fitnessmotivation #dedication #physique #fitnessjourney #fitnesslife #crossfit #personaltrainer #crossfit #powerlifting #bodyweight #kettlebells #bjt #chirozone

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Problem: Rounded shoulders

Trevor Bachmeyer knows how to fix any posture, flexibility and mobility issues. Check this video out to learn how to fix those pesky rounded shoulders that lead to back pain.

?Shoulders tend to be problematic for so many people, and most of it is because of unaddressed mechanical problems. Let’s run through this quick like. . ?When the head of the humerus loses centralization relative to the glenoid fossa, the labrum takes the brunt of the suboptimal mechanics. . ?We know that the lat, teres, subscapularis and pec all roll the humerus internally restricting shoulder mobility. . ?Now here’s the problem, the long head of the tricep attaches to the infraglenoid tubercle and ends up pulling the socket into anteversion. . ?Now when you raise your arm, or when you bench press, push up or load the arm axially in general, you have shoulder mechanics that are operating outside of normal movement. . ?Two things need to be addressed: 1. Tissue quality 2. Motor patterning The shoulder needs to be brought into an overhead position that unloads the Tricep as well as forces joint centralization. The other tissue problem is the pasted down scapula that you’re sporting. . ?So @kshaynes8 and I put together this four drill series as a great way to injury proof those shoulders. . 1️⃣ Banded Overhead Shoulder Opener 2️⃣ Banded PVC Cuban Press 3️⃣ Barbell Kneeling Landmine Press 4️⃣ LAX Shoulder Flexion . I’m the best there is at building stronger, more durable humans.? . ?TAG A FRIEND WITH SHOULDER PAIN? . Smash you later. . Want to learn how to biohack yourself? The SmashweRx system has been used all over the planet from professional athletes to soccer moms. Step into a pain free life at www.smashwerx.com, or just smash the link in our bio. . #physio #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #back #pain #medicine #squat #rehab #fitness #backpain #strengthtraining #strength #shoulder #fitspo #fitness #biomechanics #pilates #ufc #mlb #nfl #fitfam #fitlife #crossfit #balance #ifbb #npc #wbff #nasm #nsca

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Problem: You’re a Desk Huncher

Add this good posture-improving habit to your day while sitting at your desk. Follow the MoveU guys for all kinds of useful knowledge on keeping you healthy.

Neck or Back Pain at work? ?Here is a super simple cue to help keep your posture in alignment while at work. Every time you look at your watch, phone, or a clock, think about reaching the top of your head up toward the ceiling. This will help to stack your joints properly and reduce tension on the neck and back. . . It can be difficult to remember what your posture is doing while you work… I know! Every time I look at the time, I adjust my chair and reach my head to the ceiling. You don’t necessarily need to think about pulling your shoulders down or shift your head back if you just reach your head up. It is a great way to decompress the spine and requires very little thought. . . Yes, clocks were harmed in the making of this video. Have a kickass Friday everyone! =) . . ? Latex #art by @AshleyKayArt ? by @theautomaker ?Written by Andrew Dettelbach @MoveUShirtlessDude ? ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ?Want more help from us? The MoveU online program allows us to help people all over the world. Learn more, and begin improving today at www.moveu.com/FixYoShit, or simply click the link in our bio.? . . #MoveU #FixYoShit #suboccipitals #paraspinals #migraines #comebackstronger

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Problem: Weak Scapular Retractors

Give these exercises a go to strengthen your muscles and minimize strain to your thoracic spine.

EASY POSTURE DRILL BY @deskboundtherapy · Happy Friday DBTribe, hope you guys are having an amazing day so far! · Follow @deskboundtherapy For daily Posture, Fitness, Flexibility and rehab tips! · Here is a quick and effective exercise I use with my clients to teach scapular retraction. I like this supine variation to teach scapular retraction because the spine can rest in a neutral position, so the gravity is a little easier to work with! · 1️⃣ Start by setting yourself in this supine position with your feet on the wall. · 2️⃣ Bring you arms to the side of your body. · 3️⃣ Push your elbows/arms into the floor and pause for 1-3 seconds between reps. Make sure to feel this in you shoulder blade. · 4️⃣ Repeat for 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps multiple times a week until you master the position. · Stay tuned for the next progression in a few days! · Download my free Flexibility ebook from the link bio! #DeskboundTherapy · · #shoulderstability #shouldermobility #shouldermobility #shoulderpain #shoulders #yogi #yogadaily #mobility #flexibility #mobilitywod #fitness #workout #crossfit #bodybuilding #posture #backpain #warmup #yoga #iifym #strengthtraining #stretch #deadlift #powerlifting #physicaltherapy #prehab #hypertrophy #idoportalmethod #bodybuilding #yogaformen

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Problem: You sit all day

Do this easy set of exercises to help un-do the hours upon hours of sitting at a desk throughout your work week!

Problem: Ahem, you sit all day

Take multiple breaks throughout your workday to do these daily stretches.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SITTING POSTURE!!! [fix rounded shoulders] – ? – As promised here’s an easy routine you can do at your desk if your work requires you to sit for prolonged periods of time! I recommend doing this routine after every 2-3 hrs of sitting! It shouldn’t take you longer than 5-7 mins to do all the stretches! – ? – 1️⃣ Dynamic Lunging Chest Stretch 2️⃣ Lat Static Stretch (breathe deeply into the stretch and you will feel your ribcage expand!) 3️⃣ Dynamic Lunging Rhomboid Stretch 4️⃣ Seated Lunging Trap Stretch – ? – All exercises can be done at varying angles. You’ll notice some angles are harder for you than others. Focus more on the difficult angles! – ? – Do 2-3 sets of 5 reps each . The reason I added lunging into the movement is because when you lunge into it you will feel a deeper stretch as it pulls adjacent structures in. It goes from being an isolated “chest” exercise to a full body stretch with a focus on chest! – ? – You can also check out these 3 Stretches To Help Undo The Damage Caused By Sitting All Day HERE ?????? https://go.shr.lc/2MuWWsL #deskchair #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthychoices #workout #workoutmotivation #workouts #workoutoftheday #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #fitnessfreak #video #sitting #posture #posturecorrection #wellness #holistichealth #stretching

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Problem: Weak upper back muscles

This easy exercise will lead to healthy and strong shoulders and upper back muscles. Keep a band at work and pop it out when you have a break in your day.


These are all great exercises to try out if you sit at a desk all day. However, doing any rehabilitation exercises without knowing the true cause of your pain can create larger issues down the road. If you have constant pain in one or multiple areas, don’t assume you know what’s going on with your body. Have a professional take a look and give you the green light before performing any of these exercises. It’s all about getting healthy and staying healthy!

The post Exercises to Help You Improve Your Posture appeared first on FitMinutes.