Healthy Drinks: Coconut Water Kefir Edition


In basic terms, coconut water kefir is fermented coconut water. Fermentation causes very beneficial bacteria and yeast to transform natural sugars found in the coconut water and lead to the release of powerful metabolites that are often of great benefit to the body. The coconut water kefir drink is an unbelievably rich probiotic drink that also contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes. This beverage is believed to be the most beneficial probiotic beverage because it has a much more potent effect on the digestive system than all other dairy probiotics such as the yogurt.

Why use Coconut water?

Coconut water contains a variety of vitamins and minerals including Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, carotene, folates, pantothenic acid, and vitamins A, b6, C, E, and K. It also contains essential minerals that serve as electrolytes in the body including; Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorides, and Sodium. With the ingestion of all these minerals and vitamins, coconut water kefir guarantees you great fitness and health.

What is Kefir, and why use it?

The fermented kefir beverage is a drink for the legend. Since time immemorial, kefir has been used, talked about and written about by legends like Marco Polo. Today, kefir enjoys major popularity throughout the globe as one of the major refreshing and healthy drinks.

However, a new product, the coconut water kefir, eclipses the health benefits of the traditional kefir by combining the benefits of the kefir with those of coconut water to bring out a delicious and very energy-giving drink. Kefir grains are not actually grains, but rather a combination of ingredients that include; lactic acid bacteria, proteins, lipids, yeasts, and sugars. These ingredients form a gelatinous substance that causes the kefir lime to ferment when combined with milk or coconut water, just as it happens in the case of yogurt.

The Many benefits of coconut water kefir

Coconut water kefir offers a wide range of nutritional and health benefits worth noting. They include;

  1. Packed with Potassium- Potassium helps prevent the loss of bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Studies have also indicated that high dietary potassium is associated with reduced stroke risk.
  2. Its Probiotic- Probiotics are healthy bacteria’s or yeast that line your gut and protect against any unhealthy bacteria’s that try to enter your body and pitch tent in the gut. Probiotics also aid in digestion and the maintaining of a healthy pH in the intestines.
  3. Protect your heart health against high blood pleasure, blood clots, and heart attack
  4. May fight cancer and boost immunity with probiotic chemical massages
  5. Alleviates kidney stones with the high potassium found in coconut water
  6. Increases energy
  7. Ensures more efficient metabolism and increases energy
  8. Destroys pathogenic yeasts in the body
  9. Clears the skin and improves vision

How to prepare some delicious coconut water kefir



  • ¼ cup of hydrated water kefir grains
  • ¼ cup sugar- organic is preferred
  • 1 quart of coconut water


  1. Add ¼ cup of sugar to a jar
  2. Add coconut water to the jar
  3. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the sugar
  4. Add ¼ cup of kefir grains to the sweetened coconut water
  5. Cover with a plastic lid, cloth cover, or fermentation cap
  6. Let sit for 24 to 48 hours, but not longer than 72 hours as the grains will begin to disintegrate
  7. Coconut water kefir is like tangy coconut water. If the sugar is omitted, taste it after 24 hours. If using the ¼ cup of sugar, allow for 48 hours. Once the grains are removed, you may add flavors for a second fermentation or drink straight.
  8. Sit back and enjoy the delicacy

The post Healthy Drinks: Coconut Water Kefir Edition appeared first on Cartageous.