Our 5 Favorite WODs for Veteran’s Day

For all of you fitness enthusiasts out there who love pushing yourself on days like Veteran’s Day to honor the brave men and women...

5 Exercises to Help Build Your Forearms

Forearms and grip strength, in general, have to be one of the most overlooked and underappreciated muscle groups, and for no good reason. They...

The Best Reflective Gear for Running at Night

Daylight saving time ends November 4th, which means it’s about to get a lot darker, a lot earlier. If you usually get your runs...

Q&A: Are There Supplements That Can Help Me Build Muscle?

Hey there! I’m Brett McNeil, the fitness consultant for FitMinutes. Throughout the month, I’ll be answering questions from our readers. This week, we’re chatting about...

Tips on How to Do a Muscle-Up

So you’re looking to finally get that muscle-up, eh? Been working at it for a long time, but still can’t seem to get yourself...

7 Quick and Effective Workouts You Can Do Before Breakfast

Are you one of those people who plans to go to the gym after work and even has your gym bag packed in your...

5 Health and Fitness Podcasts You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

Need a boost to get you through a day at the office or long run? Look no further. We’ve rounded up our favorite health...

10 Workouts That Only Take 20 Minutes

Wouldn’t it be great if we had so much extra time in the day that we could take a stroll to the gym, work...

Q&A: How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Hey there! I’m Brett McNeil, the fitness consultant for FitMinutes. Throughout the month, I’ll be answering questions from our readers. This week, we’re talking about...

No Gym? 5 of the Best Bodyweight Exercises

We’re back to the basics with this one! Bodyweight exercises are convenient and simple and they should certainly have their place in every fitness...