MyFitnessPal App Review

They say abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Well, unless we’re talking about me baking a cake in the shape of...

Understanding the Benefits of Rowing Machines

There are many types of exercise equipment on the market, and each exercise enthusiast will need to choose the equipment that is right for...

Q&A: Is it Okay for My Kid to Start Lifting Weights?

Hey there! I’m Brett McNeil, the fitness consultant for FitMinutes. Throughout the month, I’ll be answering a few questions from our readers. This week,...

How to Walk on Your Hands – A Beginner’s Guide

Walking on your hands develops strength in the shoulders and wrists, and gives your core a good workout as you balance yourself. Bonus: it’s a...

5 Reasons Swimming is the Best Exercise

The consensus among fitness experts is that swimming is one of the best exercises, for a variety of reasons. The prestigious Harvard Medical School...

Buyer’s Guide to Creatine

Creatine is popular among bodybuilders and professional athletes as a workout supplement. Because it is an amino acid that is taken up quickly by...

6 Reasons to Use Foam Rollers

Foam rollers have become popular in the bodybuilding and athletic community in recent years. They are a cheap, highly effective piece of equipment which,...

5 Battle Rope Exercises to Build a Stronger Core

It’s only in the past few years that battle rope training has really become mainstream. Battle rope exercises are a great full body workout—they’re...

How to Care for Your Yoga Mat

Guest post by Constance Bourg Not all yoga mats are the same. There are many different types of material that a yoga mat can be...

5 Reasons You Should Be Weight Training

Guest post by Louise Rush Weight training is a fitness option that many people often disregard, as it is seen as an option for bodybuilders and...